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interview-blog | 14 July 2022

In Your Words: Between two AR Artists, Isabelle Udo and Harun Köktürk

Intro by Zooppa’s Ada Chen

We’re so excited to be introducing our newest editorial series across TLNT: In Your Words, a series of features on Talenthouse, Ello, and Zooppa, allowing for Creators to speak directly to topics of their choosing with control on how they want to speak about it. We want to give you a platform to share your work, tell us about your experiences as an artist, and to make your voice heard on topics that matter to you.

Our first iteration of In Your Words is an interesting two-part interview between two Ello creators. Read on to learn more about them and check out the first half of the interviews between AR artists Isabelle Udo and Harun Köktürk!

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